With Microsoft as dominant as it is (see Bug #1) we often need to look for compatibility options for a number of things. There are teams working on all types of compatibility issues but one of them is already taken care of (and I’m sure there are many more to come). This tutorial will allow you to install Microsoft’s Core Font package on your Ubuntu system, allowing you to see and use the same fonts that all of our Windows friends are used to.
Simply run the following command which will retrieve and install the Microsoft Core Fonts. (Note: license restrictions, of course, do not allow these to be freely distributed but Microsoft does make them available for download. This script simply downloads the publicly available files.)
sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts
After this is done cranking through the downloads you should now have access to these fonts the next time you launch your next Word Processing application. Enjoy your proprietary compatibility.
This, and tutorials like it, are really helpful in a Microsoft run world. Christer has helped me switch over to Ubuntu, which I absolutely love, but sometimes you still have to use the “microsoft norm” and do things there way. Tutorials like this are nice because it allows you to use the versatility of ubuntu, and not be slightly hindered by not being able to use the proprietary stuff.
As a complete ‘newbie’ to Linux, I just wanted to say thank you…now I know what ‘Microsoft gives you windows, but Linux gives you the whole house…’ really means! And yes, it is so simple! Why did I wait so long to convert??? Thank you for this and other such guidance…
hi, i’m niken from indonesia. i often come to this website to find thing-to-do with my newly ubuntu 7.10. Before i use linux-mint. thanks a lot to tutorials in this page, it helps me bigtime. great work!
i’m now still have difficulties in recognizing internal modem in my acer travelmate 2480. let me know if you had tips about this one.
I’m from Bandung (Indonesia).
I’ve used Ubuntu 7.10 both on office and home.
This tip is very useful for me.
I’ve already installed Microsoft Core Fonts on home, but I don’t find Arial Narrow there.
It will be better if Arial Narrow and Wingdings 1, 2, and 3 also available.
Thank you.
Syahu S
It is ok to use in openoffice. but for firefox, i can’t change to ms fonts.
thanks so much for your help. I am using easy peasy on my eee pc. Unforunately Times New Roman is the standard font for the papers i need to write in the university