Based on some recent feedback and questions from the blog-reading community I thought I would announce a few things. Don’t worry, this’ll be pretty short and painless.
- I have decided on a Creative Commons license based on a recent comment. Basically anything on this blog falls in the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Use that link if you want to know more details. If you’re like me and hate reading legal license crap it breaks down like this: you can copy, distribute and share this. The only limit is for non-commercial purposes. (ie; don’t make money directly from this but please share it and improve it.)
- I have received quite a bit of feedback regarding the RSS feed snippets. I wanted to see what the general feeling was for a week of use and, thanks to those that contacted or commented, that will be going away today as well. Full feeds again. yay!
See, I told you it’d be quick and painless.