Ubuntu Tutorials Search Plugin

By | 2008/10/25

I got an email this morning from a thankful reader who had taken the time to generate a true FF/IE7 search plugin for Ubuntu Tutorials.  After chatting about it a bit we took it one step further and added code to automagically add the search plugin to the browser of those that are interested.

If you would like to add Ubuntu Tutorials to your quick-search menu simply visit the site and then click your quick-search dropdown.  You shoud be prompted with a new menu item allowing you to add “Ubuntu Tutorials Search” to your search menu.  Once you’ve done that you can immediately start directly searching this site for all your tutorial needs.

One thought on “Ubuntu Tutorials Search Plugin

  1. Dotan Cohen

    Could you post the details of how it works? I’d like to try to make a search feature like that. Thanks!

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