Update : Improved (current) tutorial available here.
I’ve been looking for a decent Calendar application lately so I thought I would try Mozilla’s new Sunbird release (v0.3, released October 11, 2006). Perhaps due to its very early release, or perhaps related to the Mozilla vs Debian fiasco it is not yet included in Ubuntu repositories. For those interested in trying it out here are a few quick steps to installing it manually on your Ubuntu machine.
- Download Sunbird (Save As…)
- Unpack the archive (should be on Desktop):
sudo tar -C /opt -xjvf sunbird-0.3.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2
- Create a link:
sudo ln -s /opt/sunbird/sunbird /usr/bin/sunbird
- Create meu item:
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/sunbird.desktop
- Refresh the menu:
killall gnome-panel
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Sunbird Calendar
If anyone else has used Sunbird and has suggestions on its use or on another application that might offer more please let me know. I hope these instructions work for everyone.
sunbird printing hung on my machine running Dapper – it seems to have had printing issues all along.
ps field names for this comment did not show on my terminal.
Thans, this guide worked fine on me, so far i haven;t notices any problems, i;m using ubuntu 6.10
Worked for me 🙂
PS – for those that don’t know, after saving to your Desktop and opening a Terminal you need to:
cd /home/username/Desktop/
Nope, this simply did not help at all…still where I started…Things should not be so difficult…I only want to install a damn calendar app and allready lost an entire days work.
Not working at all. Have searched for all sorts of instructions, and they’re all pretty much the same with some variation in the desktop entry. The others I’ve seen go through this changing permissions thing and writing scripts, but none of those work either.
I’m new to Linux, using Ubuntu 6.10 on a PowerPC.
Tutorial worked great, works with Sunbird 0.3.1 with a slight change in extracting the Tarball file with a different name. These instructions worked with Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn.
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