Web Server Rebuild and Migration: Apache to lighttpd

By | 2009/02/19

I know many of you may think I’ve given up and stopped blogging completely. That is not entirely the case. I’ve been overloaded at work, doing over 160 hrs over two weeks in late January and continuing to work later hours than the normal 9-5.

Things appear to be slowing down a bit so I’m preparing to rebuild and migrate the web server this site runs on. Just a heads-up that there may be little bits of downtime over the next week or so.

Also, I’m planning on using lighttpd instead of apache this time around, and I’m looking at php optimizers like fastcgi or xcache. If you have any experience with those I’d love to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “Web Server Rebuild and Migration: Apache to lighttpd

  1. zen

    fastcgi is not php optimizer, it’s a method of running dynamic web sites inside web server. Xcache is OK, but I’d suggest looking at eaccelerator.

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