I wanted to give another update on my Gutsy testing. I now have two of my laptops running Ubuntu 7.10 “Gutsy Gibbon” and they are both working just fine so far. I have been consistently submitting the bugs that I find (and thanks to all the rest of you doing the same!) Again, nothing to keep me from using the machine in production so far, just little oddities here and there.
Beyond the report above there is something else here that I think many of you will be interested in. With the release of Gutsy there will be a package called “ubuntu-restricted-extras” which includes the following:
cabextract flashplugin-nonfree gsfonts-x11 gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse jackd java-common liba52-0.7.4 libavcodec1d libavutil1d libcdaudio1 libdvdread3 libfaac0 libfaad2-0 libfreebob0 libgsm1 libid3tag0 libjack0 liblame0 libltdl3 libmad0 libmjpegtools0c2a libmms0 libmp4v2-0 libmpcdec3 libmpeg2-4 libqt3-mt libquicktime1 libsidplay1 libsoundtouch1c2 libx264-54 libxvidcore4 msttcorefonts odbcinst1debian1 qjackctl sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin ubuntu-restricted-extras unixodbc unrar
That is quite a bit of the “extra” stuff that many of us have installed manually or looked to third-party solutions like Automatix for. This is one more positive step in the right direction for ease of use, but perhaps not quite 100% when it comes to Free Software. Of course we all have to draw that line somewhere, up to you.
I’ll have more Gutsy updates soon and (hopefully) a tutorial on encrypted filesystems by this weekend. Thanks for reading.
Feisty already has ubuntu-restricted-extras (maybe through backports?), depending on gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, msttcorefonts, flashplugin-nonfree and sun-java6-plugin.
ubuntu-restricted-extras was an official feisty feature, i think they just modified the “depends on” a little bit.
it worked fine in feisty, though 😉
bruce@Scooby-Doo:~$ apt-cache depends ubuntu-restricted-extras
Recommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
Recommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
Recommends: msttcorefonts
Recommends: sun-java6-jre
Recommends: unrar
Recommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Recommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse
Recommends: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
Recommends: liblame0
Recommends: libdvdread3
Where did you get your list from?
Bruce – my list came from running ‘sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras’ on a vanilla machine and pulling the list of everything it wanted to install.
Why is libqt3-mt restricted? Qt is Free Software (GPLv2) and does not violate any patents…
Henning – as mentioned above my list comes from installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and listing what it would need to install on a restricted machine. It is most likely simply a dependency of one of the restricted applications is all.
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In Gutsy, I installed “ubuntu restricted extras”, the codecs work great, but I’m having trouble with Flash.
Everytime Firefox encounters some Flash content, it prompts me to install flash although it’s already there and then, when I go through installing it, it obviously tells me “flashplugin-nonfree is already installed”
I am using the Ubuntu 7.10 kernel 2….. In order to install media players, I had followed the procedure below
opened Terminal
Typed: sudo apt ubuntu-restricted-extras
After typed the password too, it is found that the package cannot be located in the system
I have no net connection, and how I can play these type of media files.
the only problem your having mr sreekumar is that these steps must have an internet connection.