Mutt Question For The Masses

By | 2007/08/29

I’m back on another phase of “all email clients suck” and back to Mutt again.  I *almost* have it configured to all of my (needy) specs, except for one thing.  I can’t seem to open encrypted email.  I can sign fine, I can encrypt fine, but when I try to open an encrypted email sent to me I get:

"Could not copy message"

Can any of you other Mutt gurus take a stab at what I might be missing?  A link to my .mutt_gpg here.

3 thoughts on “Mutt Question For The Masses

  1. Marius Gedminas

    I don’t have any “set pgp_xxx=…” in my muttrc, and gpg works fine (Ubuntu).

    I suspect your pgp_decode_command is incorrect (mine also has –status-fd 2 in addition to all the parameters present in yours).

  2. Von Fugal

    Looks like you’re missing a space on the fourth or fifth line, the one that starts with set pgp_decrypt_command “… -%f” probably should be “… – %f”

  3. Ubuntu Tutorials

    Marius – I removed all of the set values in the file (the entire top section) and now it all seems to work fine. I can’t tell where else the machine is getting the config, but I’m not questioning it as it works

    Thanks guys

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