I’ve written quite a bit on this blog regarding Virtualization in the past. I think I’ve covered VirtualBox as well as VMware. If you haven’t noticed, I prefer the former. Free Software vs non-free is a big win, plus the performance gain that I’ve seen in VirtualBox has been great. For testing other distributions and doing simple work (non-server) installations, I think VirtualBox works the best.
I was recently sent a copy of “VirtualBox 3.1 Beginners Guide: Deploy and manage a cost-effective virtual environment using VirtualBox” by Packt Publishing. I’ll have a full review out soon, but I wanted to share this sample chapter that they have published as a .pdf.
The sample chapter is a 42 page chapter outlining getting started with VirtualBox. This includes installation, configuration and even outlines the installation of a simple Linux distribution as a guest, DSL (Damn Small Linux). For a “sample” it is actually quite impressive, and goes into a great amount of detail.
I’ll have a full review of the book here soon, but in the meantime have a look at the sample chapter and let me know what you think.