Folding @ Home : Progress Update

By | 2007/05/24

Well my tutorial the other day on installing Folding @ Home on Ubuntu looks like it was a hit. I got some great reactions from you and I’m glad to see there are so many people interested in helping out doing this kind of research.

Since I wrote up that tutorial I got to thinking more about it and have expanded what I did a bit. I’m happy to announce that I have created a script that will automate the installation process based on the steps in the tutorial. Also, I added a deployment script that can install, configure and start the service across a network via ssh on any machine you have access to. I’m fairly proud of myself on that little bit 😉 In my recent test run I got it installed, configured and running on 12 machines with zero interaction on my part. w00t, as they say ;).

I’m still QAing my deployment and installation script but if any of you are interested I’d be more than happy to share it. I think the easier we can make the Folding @ Home installation, setup and use the more widely it can be adopted and the more work can get done.

Until next time…

One thought on “Folding @ Home : Progress Update

  1. dabaR

    And kids, always remember:

    *Always* make sure you know who you are downloading the software from if you are going to run it as root 😉

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