I have recently decided that it is time for a redesign on this site. We’ve been using this theme for quite some time now–it’s time for a change. The only problem is that I don’t want to try and take it on. I’m no good with web design anymore.
Would anyone be interested in volunteering a design? I would be really interested in perhaps a design contest that the community can vote on. I’ll definitely give a static link back to the winning designer for publicity.
If you are interested in trying your hand at a redesign for Ubuntu Tutorials (including format, logo(?), etc) please use the contact page to let me know. I’ll give you the details of my few basic requirements. Thank you.
Try Open Source Web Design:
Are you interested in moving towards Drupal?. I can help you with redesigning this site if you are interested.
The site is perfect as it is. Please don’t change it.
i like the current web design.