Disabling SSH connections on ipv6

By | 2008/01/12

I was parsing through some of the logs on my new server tonite and I saw some unsuccessful ssh connection on ipv6. I thought I would mention quickly how you can disable listening on ipv6.


The /etc/ssh/sshd_config file configures how your ssh daemon should run. By default it is likely listening on (all ipv4 addresses) and :: (all ipv6), which is defined by two lines:

#ListenAddress ::

To configure your server to *not* listen on ipv6 you can remove that line. Now it might appear a bit confusing that the line we’re removing is commented out. That means its not reading that line, right? In this case it is displaying one of the default settings. I have altered my file to only listen on my public facing ipv4 address by removing the “::” listing, and specifically defining an ip instead of “”.

Another solution which was brought to my attention by a comment is outlined here:

AddressFamily any # default
AddressFamily inet # IPv4 only
AddressFamily inet6 # IPv6 only

By defining the AddressFamily type that we want to use we can listen on both ipv4 and ipv6, just ipv4 or just ipv6. Find the line above in your config and define the AddressFamily you would prefer to listen on.

Once you update these lines you’ll need to restart your ssh service.

sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

Also, as a second measure you can firewall ipv6. I’ll be posting a firewall tutorial soon, but the below single command will block all incoming traffic on ipv6:

sudo ip6tables -P INPUT -j DROP

8 thoughts on “Disabling SSH connections on ipv6

  1. ephemient

    man sshd_config(5) has a simpler solution:
    AddressFamily any # default
    AddressFamily inet # IPv4 only
    AddressFamily inet6 # IPv6 only

  2. Martijn

    Blacklisting ipv6 will break your system, especially as ipv6 adoption rates are growing.

    The best thing is to treat ipv6 like ipv4: create appropriate firewall rules (using ip6tables, which works exactly the same as iptables) and hosts.allow/deny entries.

    I don’t know if “fail2ban” recognises IPv6, but if it doesn’t I think that’s a bug that should be fixed 🙂

  3. Lonnie Olson

    Use ip6tables to set the “policy” (default action when no rule matches).

    ip6tables -P INPUT -j DROP

    Similar to your suggestion, but more correct in iptables terms.

    Also, unless you have an IPv6 tunnel established, why even bother?

  4. admin Post author

    @Lonnie – thanks for the suggestion. I have updated the post to use the POLICY vs the INPUT chain as suggested, as it is probably the more correct method.

  5. cwd

    I strongly recommend using the AllowUsers directive to limit SSH logins to only a few (non-system) accounts:

    AllowUsers fredf barneyr

    But by far the coolest ssh security measure I’ve ever used is the following rc.local script gleaned from the Internets:

    In /etc/rc.local, put the following lines:

    # Flush any existing rules
    /sbin/iptables -F
    /sbin/iptables -X

    # Watch for attempts to connect to SSH
    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp \
    –dport 22 -i eth0 -m state \
    –state NEW -m recent –set

    # If more than three connections in
    # 60 seconds, block them
    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp \
    –dport 22 -i eth0 -m state \
    –state NEW -m recent \
    –update –seconds 60 –hitcount 4 \
    -j DROP

    # Report the settings
    /sbin/iptables -L

    [Note: I’m not an iptables GURU, so I cannot give any guarantees, but this works for me and automatically stops the robot SSH login attempts after four tries.]

  6. anon

    The correct firewall command is:

    sudo ip6tables -A INPUT -j DROP

  7. Manuel Benegas

    On the last step, I should restart my sshd service right ? something like…

    /etc/init.d/sshd restart

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