Well I’m finally home now after the second day of Ubuntu Live. I’m actually more more tired than I expected I would be. Geeking it out for two days straight (morning to night!) can be more tiring than you’d think. I’m so very glad I’ve attended though. I’ve met some really cool people and learned some cool stuff. Ubuntu really is on the forefront of the computing industry in many ways. All the cool tools are available to us as users, and the direction of many things are up to us via our feedback and contributions. It’s been a fun ride so far!
A few things that I’d like to mention. I have a lot of notes from todays presentations that I would like to pull apart and blog about, but not tonite. Tonite I’m tired. I want to vent. I want to relax.. and my brain is too mushed to come up with anything comprehendable (as you can read from this post.) I’ll put something together over the next few days.
One thing that I did want to mention is the great work the US Teams Project is doing. I attended Jono Bacon’s presentation today and he mentioned us with appreciation. The work that we’re doing and the success we’ve had so far has been a huge success, and Ubuntu / Canonical really sees that. They have been very impressed with what we’ve done so far and I want to thank the guys that have been working so hard on the project. I’m sure if I list names I may forget someone, for which I apologize, but credit is needed where it’s due. People that are really responsible for the success, in no particular order: Vorian, atoponce, etank, boredandblogging, Joe_Cot.. and more. Like I say, this whole project is successful based on all of your contributions, and I really do appreciate them all. We are making amazing strides and don’t forget that the work you’re doing is important and appreciated.
We do need to keep working however. The success we’ve had so far is only a part of what we can continue to do. The future holds a lot for us, and its not far out of our reach. Keep up the great work everyone. Expect the tutorials to start up again soon. Just give me a few days to recover.
Also thanks to everyone that has stopped me at the conference and mentioned how much they appreciate this blog. It means a lot and I’m so very glad it has been helpful. I hope I can continue to be a help into the future.
Thanks again for the updates 🙂
Thanx for the updates ;).
Tonite = tonight 😛