Vim Tip of the Week – Word Find? : Aug 10, 2007

By | 2007/08/10

Vim is the greatest editor of all time. Let me tell you! Every week when I go to put together a new tip there is just so much to offer. I can keep this going for years! If you haven’t started using vim yet start!

Now vim has a really comprehensive search function using the ‘/[word]’, but maybe you just want to find the next word matching the one your cursor is on, in the fewest keystrokes possible. Well you can do that (of course). Use the ‘*’ key to jump from whatever word your cursor is on to the next match of that word. Give it a try.

Of course using the normal search option ‘/[word]’ followed by ‘n|N’ will jump to the next match as well. Keep these both in mind when you’re searching for words.

2 thoughts on “Vim Tip of the Week – Word Find? : Aug 10, 2007

  1. Byron Clark

    Don’t forget ‘#’ to search backwards for the word under the cursor.

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