The Utah Open Source Conference begins this afternoon. I’m very excited to see the results of our planning and efforts. Fingers crossed that everything comes together without a hitch!
Conference events you should check out:
Tonight’s keynote addresses and the Open Source Awards for local contributions.
Guru Labs Troubleshooting Challenge, Friday 5:10. I will be hosting.
I will be presenting on Saturday, 9:45 just after Pete Ashdown’s morning keynote. My topic is “Leveraging The Power of Community”. I hope to see those that are attending at my presentation, it should be a lot of fun.
I will be blogging the conference and I might twitter it too, we’ll see how busy I am.
Be sure to give a shout out for my brother Joseph Brower. He has been sponsered to come to this event. Hopefully he can make it to your talk. I am Jason Brower, I am his brother from finland. 😛