I finally have a few minutes to blog about the Ubuntu Developer Summit now on the morning of the second day. The first day was a blast and a *lot* of information! Basically, as someone described it at the beginning of the day, is its like “speed dating for ideas”. We’re basically sitting around tables with the best minds in the Ubuntu community and hashing out ideas for Ubuntu 8.04.
I’ve focused my time on the community path here, but also sat in on some security related sprints. One that I’m particularly excited to see get off the ground is SELinux Compatibility for Ubuntu. It seems like I was one of the few people that has tried fighting with SELinux on Ubuntu so far but a few of us will be getting together to try and make it work. If you’re interested in SELinux security for your Ubuntu machines consider joining the ubuntu-hardened mailing list.
We’ve got a lot of cool things in the works for Ubuntu Local Communities as well. Some ideas discussed here are things like better integration in the install / installer about promoting awareness of localized support. Ideas that were tossed around are offering links or suggestions on localized support based on the time zone you select during the installer. There really are a lot of things that we can add here, but the basic is that we want to make more people aware of LoCo during the installation and post-installation.
It’s really great to be able to meet a lot of these people and I’m sure its going to be a great week to get a lot of things done. it is a lot of work, but building the most popular distribution on the planet doesn’t just come out of thin air.
I’ll have more to report tomorrow and, as usual, for more information please visit the Fridge.